
SSEAC Bengaluru

Feb 7, 2017 

Panel Discussion 1: Church Engagement in Human Sexuality: Scope and Impact of Contextual theology related to human sexuality.


Queer theologies in the Asian contexts

Presented by Pearl Wong, Executive Director, Queer Theology Academy





    First of all, I wish to assert that queer theologies of different countries in Asia cannot be identical, neither can they be universalized. Therefore, the first part of my presentation will focus on doing queer theologies in the context of Hong Kong. In the second part, I will introduce two projects to affirm that doing queer theologies in collaboration with queer Christians in other countries of Asia can bring new insights, enable us to share

KUC Anniversary Forum: Democracy and Social Minorities (May 30, 2014)
A Paper presented by Pearl WONG, Executive Secretary of Queer Theology Academy

Democracy and Sexual Minorities - From Society to Church in Hong Kong

This paper examines the challenges of sexual minorities in Hong Kong, and argues that the rights of social minorities will be better protected through a more democratic political system in our community. The struggles of sexual minority Christians in Hong Kong will also be

A Statement from "Covenant of the Rainbow: Towards a Truly Inclusive Church"

May 17, 2014

Celebrating International Family Day with Christ's Inclusive Love

 May 15 is the International Family Day and 2014 marks the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the family. The role of families has been a significant concern for the United Nations since the eighties, and it has always served the society as a fundamental unit. As time changes, family composition undergoes

Preacher: Dr. Lap Yan Kung

It is a sensitive issue to friend or unfriend in the world of facebook. To unfriend means that I no longer share my stories and encounters with a friend, similarly, I am no longer concerned about your stories and encounters. To unfriend does not necessarily mean to become an enemy, however, the relationship could be even worse than an enemy, because the acquaintance become the strangers. In the mindset of friend and unfriend, the implications for a sexual

Covenant of the Rainbow: Towards a Truly Inclusive Church*

Second Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship

The ‘Covenant of the Rainbow: Towards a Truly Inclusive Church’ campaign, initiated by Christian organizations, local churches and theological student fellowships from diverse backgrounds in Hong Kong on March 17, 2013, will be celebrating the campaign’s second anniversary on May 9, 2015.

Christ’s resurrection has given us new life. We believe God loves everyone. We affirm all lives and uphold