Sexual/Beings III: Queering Hermeneutics in Asian Chinese Contexts
Published by Queer Theology Academy and Hong Kong Christian Institute Limited
Selling Price : HK$108
We are more than happy to present our new book “Sexual/Beings III: Queering Hermeneutics in Asian Chinese Contexts” to you!
Thank you all of you to come and celebrate our joy in our book launch event on April 22, 2018.*
*This book is co-published by Queer Theology Academy and Hong Kong Christian Institute and is only available in Chinese at this moment.
Where to Find (Hong Kong):
Hong Kong Christian Institute
kubrick(Yau Ma Tei)
Talentum Living Faith Bookstore(Yau Ma Tei)
Chinese Christian Literature Council(Yau Ma Tei)
Hong Kong Reader (Mong Kok)
Logos Book House(Mong Kok)
Greenfield Book Store(Mong Kok)
Logos Book House(Causeway Bay)
VW Link 德慧文化荃灣站書店(Tsuen Wan)
Art and Culture Outreach 艺鵠(灣仔)
This book features eighteen queer (LGBTQI+) Christians (from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China) "reclaiming" the Bible by creative and constructive interpretation from their own perspectives. By affirming queer experience, they not only liberate themselves from scriptures that are traditionally oppressive to LGBTQI+ people, but also liberate the Bible from homophobia, transphobia, oppression, misogyny, and hetero/binary gender system.
In contemporary biblical interpretation, we can no longer ignore interpretations from the perspectives of marginalized, feminist, womanist, black, gay and lesbian, postcolonial, Asian, African Diaspora, in other words, interpreting the Bible is no longer dominated by a particular group of people traditionally white heterosexual males. For the past thirty years, queer theologies and queer biblical interpretation have gradually come of age as a result of many courageous lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex people who come out to challenge the essentialist notions of sex, gender identity and sexuality.
The development of queer theologies and queer biblical interpretation in the context of Hong Kong is in existence for less than ten years, and since 2014 to now, LGBTQI theologians, biblical scholars and pastors from Hong Kong, Taiwan and China met together to explore theology and interpret the Bible from their own queer experiences. As a result of the collaboration between these three regions, this book comprises of eighteen articles on queer interpretation of the Bible in Asian Chinese contexts published in Chinese. In these articles, the authors engage in a proactive approach with issues such as family diversity, intersectionality, polyamory, intersex in the Creation Story, sex workers and queer sexual ethics.
Book Launch (Hong Kong) April 22, 2018
Book Discussion Clubs (Hong Kong) June, August, 2018
Book Launch (Taiwan) October 2018